Great Site
5-4-2004 from matwood9:
Anyone who thinks they saw something in those
pictures obviously cannot see the forest from the trees from the "evil
spirits". HAHAHA. The face is branches and the dark image is tree
trunk. This truly tells you how stupid Americans are. Someday I
will join a skeptics society but until then, these websites and the people
that visit them are truly amusing.
dvb replies: I don't know if there are "evil
spirits" in those pictures or what, but I do know that it takes an evilly
spirited person to make fun of others.
A quick question about visiting spider gates
4-25-2004 from PBOZ51:
Are you positive that if I went up to spider gates
during the day in the afternoon The police will not arrest me or fine me? Do I
need to get permission or something else? Please let me know.
dvb replies: You can contact the owners of
Friends Cemetery, the Worcester-Pleasant Street Friends Society (Quakers),
using the contact info I provided in the Spider Gates page.
Spider Gates
4-24-2004 from Bdevilballer34:
i was wondering, is spider gates off limits just at
night, or are people no longer allowed there during the day, because another
site has it as off limits at all times yet i was up there today and there was
a van parked outside the gate, im doing a video project on the "haunted"
places in the area and i was just wondering, thanks
dvb replies: My most recent info is that it
is open in the day and closed at night. Video taping is expressly
forbidden. For further info you can contact the owners of Friends
Cemetery, the Worcester-Pleasant Street Friends Society (Quakers), using the
contact info I provided in the Spider Gates page.
Photographs of
Littleton MA 4-20-2004 from kimberlynugent:
I was on your web site on a search on the Web for
old photographs of Littleton MA. I am looking to purchase some old
photographs of my home town. Do you have photographs? If so, are
they for sale? Otherwise do you know where I might find some?
dvb replies: Try eBay or the Littleton
Historical Society - both have them for sale.
Locating the Hoosac Train Tunnel
4-17-2004 from gdeyss:
I have been trying to the locate the Hoosac
Tunnel because I thought that this may make a nice place to visit for the
dvb replies: The East portal is located in
Florida MA. This is marked on topo maps (
and on the Yahoo maps as well (
Spider Gate Site
4-18-2004 from baremountain:
I found your website on an AOL message board. I
enjoyed your tour. It is a beautiful area. At the bottom of your site you
showed two figures in two different photos. This got me to thinking: I have a
novel coming out soon, and had a cover idea which I sent to the publisher.
They will use the photo. I took it at an inn, in Micanopy Florida. I had added
in a fake ghost to the photo, they liked it. I then sent the picture to
several friends to see what they thought and got back a rash of e-mails
telling me that there were faces all over the room, in the carpet, in the bed,
and so on. I'm sending you the link to my site. See what you think if you have
Attn: Daniel V. Boudillion, from Discovery Channel
from jane:
Hello Mr Boudillion - I am really interested in
discussing your findings regarding the mothman and thunderbirds. I am hoping
this e-mail is still valid. I am part of a Production Company making a
documentary series for Discovery Channel, namely "Animal X 3". If you
are interested in communicating further with me, please e-mail!
Otherwise, thanks for your time.
Concerning the megalithic site at Burnt Hill
3-23-2004 from matthewharrell:
Do you happen to have any aerial shots? How were the
21 stones arranged? I study neurotheology and metaphysics, but I believe this
may be of significance to
my research. Any help would be appreciated
Concerning the 21 stones at Burnt Hill
3-23-2004 from matthewharrell:
I'm very interested in these stones... My name is
Matthew and I do a lot of neurotheology and metaphysics research... Could I
perhaps see a map of the stones that you have drawn? You mentioned on your
site that there were three "levels" so to speak? correct? I'm extremely
interested in this, and these stones may help me on my spiritual quest... If
you're interested in helping me any, please do... Myself and the rest of
society would be much obliged.
Devil's Elbow 3-23-2004
from fitzov2003"
Excellent website. I found it on a search for
'devil's elbow brookfield'. I recently visited the site with my stepfather.
Why I visited the site is forgotten or coincidence--I had wanted to about 15
years ago while I was a senior at N. Brookfield high. I forget why. To my
surprise, there was actually something there. The site is dated at the latter
part of the seventeenth century. There is a homestead and military road. My
companion suggested that the road was used to and from Ft. Ticonderoga, but
neither of us are historians.
On your website you suggested that the path goes from the end of the road to
Old Braintree Village. Did you gather this from an old map, or what? (N.
Brookfield library has a good local history section I'm told).
Hoosac Tunnel Exploration 3-14-2004
from marc.dufour:
Good day. I enjoyed your Hoosac tunnel
exploration page. I find tunnels quite interesting, and I happen to live
near a well-traveled one, the Mount-Royal tunnel, in which I managed to
explore the ventilation shaft, but in a less tiring way. We simply rode
a train and asked the engineer to drop us at the shaft...
Postcards 3-13-2004 from
I own The Great Frame Up, a custom picture
framing business located in the Westford Valley Marketplace on Rt 110 in
Westford. I am interested in the postcards of Littleton and any other prints
of the town that you may have.
Spider Gate Cemetery 3-12-2004
from rmlandress:
The Friends Cemetery, or Spider Gates as it is more
popularly called, is the resting place for a number of my ancestors - the
Earle family - direct descendents of Ralph Earle who first settled in
Leicester MA. I have never had the opportunity to visit the cemetery,
but would love a listing and photos of the Earle graves there. Do you
have such a thing or do you know anyone who does? I did get a list from
the Friends Church in Worcester who own the cemetery but don't have any other
Possible Site To Explore 3-10-2004
Have you ever considered investigating the claims
that the Northampton State Hospital is haunted? I did, a long time ago, do
some research on it at Forbes Library in Northampton. I learned of a
patient uprising where most of the staff were killed. I learned that
there was unexplained patient deaths, for example, a patient restrained in a
bed, choking on bed sheets and another patient, restrained in a wheelchair
dying in a porch fire. Both incidents, among other preventable
tragedies, have been documented. I really can't remember all but those
two stand out in my mind. By the way, I grew up in Easthampton, which is
one town over, and I have heard my share of ghost stories. I have always
been interested in finding out the truths, kind of like you do, and that's why
I did the research first. I had also heard of patients being chained and
beaten in underground tunnels. There are tunnels which connect all the
buildings, but I don't think I read anything about that. I have made
several trips, both day and night, to the hospital. It is as creepy
during the day as it is at night. And, at night, me and my braver
friends, were always chased out by the security police that patrolled the
area. Never caught thankfully. Being older now I realize that was
a stupid thing to do without having permission, but I was young! Stories that
I have heard are of a light in one of the buildings turning on, and then going
out if you move around to look at it from a different angle. Another of an
apparition of 2 men dressed in white jackets bringing in a man in a straight
jacket, the patient is not cooperating so the 2 men bang his head against the
wall, the patient goes limp and they proceed to drag him into the building.
This apparition was seen (supposedly) by one of my friends on one of the
nights we had gone there. It was seen at the main building.
There are many stories, people getting in the tunnels and seeing shackles with
skeletons still attached, voices, screams and groans being heard all
throughout the property.
There is an area, yet to be discovered, that is the site of the burial plot
where approx. 150 patients were buried. It hasn't been discovered but
there are efforts to locate it. Recently, the hospital was bought by someone
who wants to demolish the buildings and build a retirement community.
There was a vote to try and save at least the main building. I don't
know the outcome. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you make any
plans to visit since I would be very interested to know what you find!
PS I have been to the Hoosac Tunnel and was
not brave enough to walk through... I don't like the idea of a train coming
that close to me! And, I want to thank you for your field report on the
Spider Gates Cemetery. I had heard great stories of this place, and you
dispelled them all! Now, I purely am interested in it for the reason
that my friend is a Southwick and is interested to know if he is remotely
related to the Southwick family. I really love learning the
history of places, and usually I learn of these places for my high interest in
anything possibly haunted. Unfortunately, many places turn
out to be just that, places with history. I'll keep hunting though....
Thanks for your time. :)
Anomalous Stones, Witchcraft Heights
3-9-2004 from oddne:
I'm the webmaster at, a travel
site exploring unusual and curious spots in New England. The site is just
getting started and far from complete. During research, I came across your
site which I find very interesting.
I would love to establish a relationship with you whereby we can share
resources and the like. I will be exploring many features that are in the
same context as your site, and you have provided valuable information which
I could use on mine. What do you think?
Also, I grew up in Salem, MA and actually attended Witchcraft Heights
Elementary school when it opened. I have a wealth of information on the
area and the school. It's called Witchcraft Heights because that's what the
developer named the development in the late 1960's owing to the presence of
Gallows's Hill which is indeed where the 19 "witches" were hanged. They
built the school and named it the same. If you drive around the development
behind the school, you'll notice that the streets have Witch names...such
as Witch Way, Puritan Drive, Cauldron Court, Crescent Circle, Gallows Hill
Road...I grew up at 37 Ord St. myself which predates the development.
Also, the school was recently discovered to be built on the site of a
tannery dumping ground and heavily contaminated with arsenic. The whole
thing fixed through some superfund thing, and though the school is similar,
the hills around it have been significantly altered.
You also might be interested to know that there are many stone walls in the
area attributed to King Phillips War.
If you ever go back to Salem, I highly recommend a trip to Fort Pickering,
which is on Winter Island near Salem Willows and the power plant. Nothing
like an 18th century fort filled with caves and ponds to give one and eerie
feeling. It's like a miniature Fort Warren, actually. There's a campground
there now. There's another fort on the hill overlooking Salem Willows whose
name escapes me now. It was an earthen structure, and it looks like just a
big hole now.
Southbridge 2-23-2004
from gauthieb:
I was wondering if you have ever visited the stone
chamber, stone cairns, and a fallen standing stone in Southbridge MA? If
not, and if you are interested, I could send you pictures, and a map. I
could even take you there.
Bristol City Esker 2-20-2004
from douglas.butler:
I know of an esker with all sorts of wonderful stuff
all around it. I did some fairly extensive research on it as a student
of a man who spent 20 years surveying these kinds of sites, (he worked with
Mavor and Dix on some of the Manitou sites). I found the first map of
the area that included a swamp that remains a swamp that has stone rows
running all through it. Stone mounds, embrasures, earthen mounds, standing
Thanks from Harvard for all of your local archaeological research
2-16-2004 from jeffbrown:
I just want to thank you for the information on your
website. I've spent the past few days digesting all of your
fascinating local adventures in the shaker area. We have lived on
Littleton Road close to Shaker Road for close to five years and you are
helping us to have a deeper understanding of where we live and what came
Mothman/Thunderbird 2-12-2004
from ThistledewFarm:
Have you looked much into the Cornstalk Curse?
Seems strange that Cornstalk placed a curse on Point Pleasant, and then the
area started having Thunderbird visitations, just before and just after major
disasters. I'm a native of West Virginia, and I wanted to tell you that
I appreciate your theories.
Introduction 2-9-2004 from
Let me introduce myself, my name is Amy Andrews from
Cranston RI. I am a Board Member for the Rhode Island based paranormal
research group, R.I.P. Inc.
I stumbled upon your site by a link posted on our discussion board and am
greatly impressed with your field research. You're professionalism with
gaining permissions for certain investigations and your thoroughness in
regards to research into historical significance of your finds is in my
opinion outstanding and oftentimes overlooked by some groups, which can in
turn make it difficult for others to gain access/permissions etc. in the
future. We are looking into some investigations this spring which
involved some interesting rock structures some claim to be altars etc.
We would love to have a person such as yourself involved in our continuing
research, especially in these specialized cases. Based on what I've read
I feel that you would be a great asset to our team. If you are interested in
working with our group you can check out what we're all about at If you
have any questions or need any more info just let me know, I check my email
daily except on weekends. Hope to hear from you soon!
Burnt Hill, MA 2-6-2004
from gnbrotz
Dr. Boudillion, I would be very interested in
obtaining a copy of the map you created showing the stone formations on Burnt
I am located in south-central PA, and recently received a link to your page
from a friend. We both found it very interesting. In our local
area, we enjoy spending time hiking through our state forests, looking for and
documenting interesting things we find. Some of our projects include
visiting "charcoal hearth" sites (where charcoal was made to fuel early iron
industry) hoping to find remaining stone chimneys from the workers' huts and
finding a rumored "concrete arrow" in the middle of the woods (it was used for
early aviation navigation).
We use consumer grade gps units, and some basic survey techniques to find
and/or document what we have found. We then incorporate this information
into software which can overlay the information onto topo maps and aerial
photos. It is pretty much just a hobby for us, but we enjoy it very
much, and take great pride in what we do. If only we were closer, you
can be sure we'd be on that hill as soon as the weather allowed!
We have not ruled out a trip to see this area, but as it is quite a distance,
it may be some time until this actually happens. Thank you for any
additional info on this site that you can provide.
Your Website; Directions 2-3-2004
from tooxtremeicw:
Dear Mr. Boudillion, I recently
came upon your website while looking up paranormal sites in Massachusetts, and
I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm very interested in the Paranormal activity
and ghosts that have been seen here in Massachusetts (the Hockomock
Swamp/Bridgewater Triangle in particular), but I also love exploring and the
outdoors, so your website was very interesting. I know you said you
sometimes cannot divulge directions to the sites you have visited, and
understandably so, but I was wondering if you could let me know how to get to
Anawam Rock, and Profile Rock. I live in West Bridgewater, and would
like to visit these at some point. Also, I was told about an Indian
burial ground in the Blue Hills in Milton, and a "ghost road" in Milton.
I checked out the supposed ghost road, and aside from being rather narrow and
somewhat creepy to drive on, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
I was wondering if you had heard of either the burial ground or the road?
Once again, thanks for the great photos and information on your website, and
keep up the good work.
Hoosac 2-3-2004 from
As one with a long time interest in the tunnel, it
was great when I stumbled across your website yesterday. I have made several
trips there to take photographs at both portals but have never gone further
than a couple of hundred yards inside. Not that I haven't wanted to make a
full excursion, as you have done!
I guess that my main concern would be that of being arrested. I had not
considered the possibility of a track car going through, as you you
experienced, but that is a distinct possibility along a major railroad. I have
only seen one train there during my trips and it was going along rather slowly
at restricted speed. Nevertheless, it would be my luck to run into at least
one while inside.
I would be interested in your thoughts on this with you having actually made
it through these encounters. Any further details you could pass along would be
much appreciated.
LAM 1-30-2004 from
Hmm. Interesting article/synopsis/theory on
LAM* It found its way into the occult community, specifically the O.T.O.
Since you find the subject of great interest, I'm sure you will find value
here: [...]
A lot of common synchronicities. Though its in its early stages of
development, it holds some knowledge into key mysteries of LAM. If one is
adept enough to pick up upon its magical messages/arcanum and planetary
aspects/vibrations. You will find some definite similarities in
conjecture/conjuncture to your essay.
Watch those "Grey Aliens", there everywhere. The Big Bad Grey Lam Ahh Sasquach
Aye. Alistair is not spelt Ali-Stair, Its spelt Aleister... Blessed Bee within
the Tree of Nuit and Hadit !
Native Information 1-27-3004
from hanthayo:
I am interested in learning more
about Native American historic sites in the Boston area. I liked your
site a lot...
Thoreau's Journal 1-23-2004
from kdann:
I have just been reading your field report as I sit
with Thoreau's journal from 1849 and contemplate a whole interesting series of
"We have a saying an East quarter bargain i.e. a secret one – The Copper mines
– the old silver mine now deserted – the holt –the great meadows – The Baker
Farm – The Dam Meadows –The Eastabrooks Place—Jenny Dugan’s—The Ministerial
Lot—Fairy land—Sleepy Hollow—"
I am intrigued by “Fairy land’ --which is one place name that does not show up
on that great map that HL Gleason made for the 1906 editions of the Journals.
I have been doing lots of thinking about old Henry and the fairies, and what
his neighbors thought about fairies. Seems like there was not too much
folklore circulating during his lifetime, as he records a ton of local
folklore, but no fairy lore that I have found. Have you any idea what the
‘cinnamon stone’ might be?
"Nashoba hill where the Indians heard strange rumbling noises . . ." I am not
sure about you but I don't buy the geologists' latest explanation about
mystery booms--that they are seismic in origin. The local version of the
Moodus Noises down here in NC (I'm from Vermont, but am down here teaching
this winter) has been active of late, not only down on the coast, but all the
way up here to Orange County. I read -- in an online source with no citation,
but I hope to run down a reputable source on native place names-- that
"Nashoba" means "hill that shakes" (sounds somewhat classically apocryphal!).
Having read your report on Nashoba Hill and the structures there (fantastic
work, by the way! I love the way you approach the contemporary "neo-pagan"
activity), I wonder what you make of all this.
Since from what I found on your site you go in for the Fortean and
demonological, I wondered if in your ramblings you've run on any reference to
some sort of haunting in Sudbury. Thoreau's journal is torn up in this
section, so difficult to make out, but it reads so:
". . .Where Old Nick lived. & you may see his cellar-hole & well & hollow
orchard stumps. [I take "Old Nick" to be a reference to the Devil.]
Or Else
“To Sudbury’s famous meadows & Tall’s
Beneath full many a bridge we madly
& walked through Sudbury town
A solitary town, where man was not,
Soon did we enter with protracted
Like one who walks at midnight in a
And balconizing with the cats
curvets, [?]
So stalked we silent on, terrified
A mesmerized abyss, where mystic
Had with soft passes put the place
Then folded & gone on forgetting it.
--Walked through a country town’s deserted streets – now in the ninth year of
the plague.
For though the eaves were rabbitted
& the well sweep was slanted,
Each house was not inhabited
But haunted.
Any notions on what sort of plague? Perhaps this was an outlying village of
Sudbury that experienced a trauma that led to depopulation?
"On we sailed up the Sudbury River –past the cliffs through Fair Haven Bay &
nine acre corner—under many bridges by pantry Brook—round Hill Tall’s Isle &
the great Sudbury Meadows
To Willis’ Hill by Old Marlboro Road Rock-seat Hill -- & the retired
house—Indian mounds? on hill. Willis’ Pond a wild & savage lake surrounded by
low woods & swamps. . ."
Here I pester you with the question as to whether you know of suspected
"Indian mounds" on a "Rock Seat Hill" in Sudbury.
Now this last query is a bit odder. Having just last night finished reading
Keel's Mothman Prophecies, I guess I might be seeing cryptic critters
everywhere, but I couldn't help but think that this entry of Thoreau's masked
an elemental demonic attack on a henhouse:
"Sunday Oct 28th 1849 Mrs. Tilly Holden had 28 hens she went out to the barn
to feed them; and found 8 nice fat hens lying dead on the floor – Something
had sucked their blood. She could not go to meeting that day but was obliged
to stay at home to pick the fowls. The next Sunday she went to the barn &
found 20 nice fat hens lying dead. 8 & 20 made [38] 28—all she had. Her boy
saw the bright eyes of something peering through a crack—they fired and killed
a mink."
Sure, I imagine wild mink can go on killing sprees, but I found the other
elements--"something had sucked their blood"; the fact that it was on two
Sundays surrounding Halloween, and the 'bright eyes' peering at the boy. I
know from Fort and Keel and others that it is just like these tricksters to
leave behind some plausible suspect--the mink in this case--to cover its own
tracks. I'm curious why Thoreau does not have more to say. Or why does
he say anything at all, if this sort of wild animal theft of poultry was a
common occurrence? What did his mink trapping friends have to say about it?
I have a working hypothesis about Concord that it is distinctly NOT haunted
because Thoreau and the other members of the Concord Circle--Emerson, Alcott,
etc.-- 'blessed' the place by the very nature of their lofty thoughts. I do
believe this very much about Thoreau; I've experienced certain blessings of a
similar nature in my own life. But this little suite of episodes suggests that
even the most blessed of landscapes suffers from occasional hauntings by
demonic forces. In fact, I am just looking at the map, and here is Concord’s
own “Bridgewater triangle” of Forteana—the Nashoba spot of noises: the
mutilation spot at Tilly Holden’s between White Pond and Fair Haven Bay: and
this Sudbury haunting, which remains a mystery to me.
Sorry to go on so, but I was so excited when I stumbled on your site. Hope to
speak with you about your sense of all this.
Littleton Information 1-20-2004
from wwi:
I found your website with the postcard page while
searching for information about Littleton. I was wondering if you could
help me. I am thinking about purchasing a home in the Long Lake area of
Littleton. Could you tell me about the community there? Perhaps
the benefits and drawbacks? Any help you could provide will be
Copper in Ohio 1-19-2004
from pm2157:
Many copper artifacts have been
found in the Ohio mounds including swords and shields. There are many strange
things that have no logical answers in Ohio.
Hiking the Hoosac 1-19-2004
from ebowerman:
I read your article and I've hiked the tunnel twice
now... I believe that the Hoosac Hilton is small room blasted out of the rock
right around the central shaft area. I think it was a refuge for
signalmen in past time... Today it just houses signal equipment. Did you
climb up the central shaft at all? One of the picture on the site looks
like you did. Also... can you put my in touch with anyone from
IRONFIST who has hiked the tunnel?
Spider Gates 1-13-2004
from satellite82:
Hello, I just got done reading your site on Spider
Gates Cemetery. I thought that your site, was a very mature
and informative way to investigate such a well known "haunted" cemetery.
I wish more people would be so level headed about investigations. I
can't stand it when people think that water spots on a camera is an "orb".
It's kind-of pathetic.
I am very into ghosts, haunting, and
especially legends. Researching legends and alleged hauntings is
my top favorite pass time, but I don't take it to the extreme of what
"typical" ghost hunters do. I don't expect every story to be true, and I
don't think that everything that looks scary has to be haunted.
Which is why I really loved your story on Spider Gates. It was all
facts. If you saw a ghost or got a bad vibe, you would have stated it in
the most factual way possible. I just think that was
awesome! :) ....
I was wondering if you only did research in Mass.
I live in Rhode Island and I know every possible ghost story and haunted place
in the state. If you would be interested, (because I would love to hear
your opinion on well-known hauntings here), I can give you a couple of
locations that are really spooky and have a very good story/legend behind
Shaker Spring 1-12-2004
from theheralall:
Hi Mr. boudillion. I am a student at Piscataway high
school. I am very interested in your research on the Harvard Shaker's fountain
of youth. I am currently doing a term paper based on your research. It would
be greatly appreciated if you can supply with me some of the shakers who you
think actually drank from the fountain and if possible the results they got.
Wondering If You Go To Berkshire County
1-7-2004 from mattdiamondz:
I came across your web page and I thought it was
very interesting. I was wondering if you ever do any exploring in Berkshire
County? I am from Richmond, there is one site in particular that you might
know about, in the town of West Stockbridge there is a quarry that is off of
Rte 41 across the street from the West Stockbridge sportsmen's club.
about a 5-10 minute walk in the woods you cross the river and then you are
right at the quarry, not sure was was mined out of it, maybe marble? anyway if
you go right and follow the trail to the first 20 foot cliff you cross over
this little culvert, if you get in it you see a tunnel that goes quite far in,
it is man made and is covered with slabs of rock, you go in a few feet and it
goes into a large room, then the tunnel gets a smaller opening and I don't
know where it leads to from there as I was not brave enough to venture in much
farther. I was wondering if you have been to this site before and what
this tunnel might be? also are you familiar with any quarries in West
Stockbridge or Richmond? do you know any history behind any of them? If
you have any information you could share with me about them I would greatly
appreciate it, I enjoyed your site keep up the good work!
Tip For You 12-28-2003
If your interested I've seen a
site in the Stow Town forest you might like. Finding the forest is easy enough
finding the site is harder since it's off a small side trail. I managed
to find it while mtn biking out that way. It's a large stone stair case
set into the side of a hill and some old stone structures scattered around the
surrounding area.. If your interested here are the directions to it.
From the parking lot follow the
main trail over the small stone bridge, veer left at first branch. Stay on
that trail all the way to the first small sand pit. Head to large sand pit
adjacent to it marked by No Trespassing signs. Don't worry, I've never
seen a soul near the place. Just don't hang out there very long. Anyway cross
this large sand pit and head up opposite bank near tree stump piles. They've
been placed there to block dirt bikers from using this pit. But they've made a
small trail that leads out, that's the one you want , follow it to the
staircase. The place is crisscrossed by lots of hiking and biking paths so
it's easy to find other ways to it but that's the easiest I can think of.
Oh and this place attracts
homeless people. Never seen one there but I have seen their temporary huts
around the area. Just a caution for ya. Never heard any stories about what it
once was. Sorry. Hope you find it to your liking!
Mothman 12-27-2003
from trailwalkn:
Has there ever been any human injuries caused by the
Mothman? In the movie the Mothman Prophesies it is eluded to that there
is conversation and predictions being forecast by this being. Was this
developed to inspire the movie or was there ever any associated events like
this? What if any role do the prophesies play? I live in western
PA and I have had two unexplainable incidents that have perked my interest in
these areas. Is there any one in this area that is willing to talk to
others about what they saw, where, and when?
Indian at the Mohawk Club 12-23-2003
from bhenry:
I found your web page while searching for caves, tunnels and other things in
You have a short section on the Indian in front of the Mohawk Club. I am not
sure of when the Mohawk club shut down but the Indian may have showed up
either after the Mohawk Club was out of business or on it's last legs. The
Indian was originally at Bensons Wild Animal Farm in Hudson, NH. That closed
down in 1989 and Stanley NcNiff, owner of the Mohawk club, bought the Indian
and a live buffalo. I don't know where the buffalo ended up but it did live
behind the Mohawk for a few years.
While I never went to the Mohawk much as a paying customer, I can attest to
the sticky floor. At one time I worked part time (early 70's) for McNiff (he
is/was really big into real estate) and his office was in the club and I also
used to go there often as part of the ambulance crew. When Devens was open
things got real exciting the Friday night after military payday.
Shaker Spring House 12-20-2003
from SalmiJ:
I would like to visit The Shaker Spring House - Oak
Hill. Could you tell me how to get to it?
Eastern Mass 12-2-2003
from rob:
I've been checking out your site often and wondered,
do you ever venture out to eastern Mass? Seems all the cool stuff to find is
out west, but we must have a few things out here.
I'm stuck in Haverhill, "shoe city", and have begun to poke around a bit. We
started a site, mostly devoted to abandoned buildings, I can picture people
walking around, working, what would they think to see the place empty? Oh
well. One thing you might find interesting is the Haverhill, Plaistow & Newton
Street Railway. I wasn't able to dig up any info online, exept for a copy of
an old booklet on the Hampton Library website, but eventually I managed to
find it. If you're ever in the area and want to check out this piece of
history drop me a line. I've only explored about a mile of it heading south,
so there's plenty I haven't seen yet. It's all out in the woods, so makes for
a nice walk. Here's a link to some pictures if you care:
Burnt Hill 12-2-2003
from mattrez:
I recently visited your site on the megaliths of
Burnt Hill in Heath, and wanted to thank you. I understand that some
time has past since it was most likely updated. If you have any new info
on this site, or general info on testing for alignment, I would be grateful if
you could pass it on. And if there is anything that I can assist you
with pertaining to Burnt Hill, I would love to help. These megaliths are
new territory to me. With the right guidance, and if you deem this a
site w/potential I would be more than happy to map it out for you. I
live just minutes down the hill from Heath in the town of Charlemont.
Thunderbirds and Michipessi
11-24-2003 from ashco:
I read your article on the "Mothman & The
Thunderbird ..." and thought you may be interested in a couple of items.
I have taken the liberty of attaching an image from the most recent Illinois
State Museum's quarterly publication and another from Virgil Vogel's book on
Indian Place Names in Illinois. Note that the "giant bird" or whatever
it is supposed to have been at Piasa (Alton), Illinois looks more like a
Michipessi with wings than an actual Thunderbird.
(see link
You may also want to compare the Thunderbird rubbing and photo in the third
attachment with the cross-winged Thunderbird you illustrated which is almost
identical with Hopewell examples cut from copper. This particular
Thunderbird petroglyph is in an effigy mound group I have worked at for the
past nine years. It is aligned to face the summer solstice sunset.
If you check Kevin Callahan's website, you can access many, many similar
Thunderbird images from here in the upper Midwest.
Father Johns 11-21-2003
from da0011:
Not surprised you found the Father John's Medicine
bottle. Every household in the Merrimack Valley must have had hundreds
of them. Father John's Medicine was cough syrup we had as children
growing up in the Lowell Area. It most likely came from a home being
cleaned up after an elderly relative died or went to a nursing home.
Back then there were no expiration dates on medicines. Our own home
probably had some lying around until about 10 years ago. Father Johns
Medicine was in the building located across from McQuades and to the right of
the Birkes clothing store that I believe is still there. There was also
a furniture store in that building. If I'm not mistaken, the words
Father John's Medicine is still on that building
Spider Gates 11-19-2003
from isisoisis:
Growing up in Leicester....
I'm a bit older now. My friends will occasional large me to look up
spider gates and see what will happen. So I found your writings.
No not going to tell any ghost stories about it... just glad you were very
down to earth about the site.
But the other cemetery might be the one about a mile or so from the SG also in
the wood, but is behind houses and not many people know about it. And if
you stumbled alone it ... mind you would have to be pretty drunk not to
remember crossing Rt 56, but than again a lot of people who come back with the
rumours are, and was inebriated or in a high state of adrenaline, fear factor,
you would never remember where it was. I know where it is but never went
there as I didn't want to trespass on peoples lands and back yards to get to
It is older than the gates, so were ass the nun cemetery is younger, I better
that is the mysterious cemetery that gets referred to. Just thought I'd
share that info with you. Happy Hunting
Mothman 11-18-2003
from artbark01:
I took an Inkblot test online, and this was one of
the inkblots they had. It was quite eerie because of how much it looked
like the Mothman. Thank you for responding, this is just another thing
that I just thought was interesting. Either the people who set up this
test purposely made the inkblot to look like this or just a coincidence.
It seems almost too perfect. It looks exactly like a Man with wings
standing. Also note the red eyes on the top of the chest, as if it had
no head. Also I noticed this after reading up on you site, that on top
of the head there is the spade shaped thing. A little strange to me, but
again it might have been done on purpose.

click to enlarge
Mothman 11-17-2003
from artbark01:
Do you think that maybe the holes in the Thunderbird
figure, could perhaps be for small red stones... Just a thought that I
had when reading your site.
Lam: Interesting Note 11-14-2003
from hotpoot:
I read your Lam article with some interest. I
found it due to my searching for an image of Lam. I had seen a picture
in a book I cannot recall now. The image was not the one I've found at your
site and elsewhere. It was also supposedly hand drawn by Crowley, and
had the "bug eyes" now associated with modern greys. This may mean
nothing, but it made me wonder.
Clinton Massachusetts 11-9-2003
from ablackvoid:
My friend and I were researching a place called The
Bloody Forest in Clinton Massachusetts. In one of your ventures through
the Hoosac Tunnel you explained something about a railroad tunnel in Clinton
Massachusetts. We live around ten minutes from Clinton. If you
know anything about this railroad please respond.
Spider Gates Cemetery 11-5-2003
from racyrooster:
I saw your field excursion, and must say that I find
you quite handsome in your vest and jacket. ;) I'd like to know,
if you could tell me, if there is a proper name for the image on old
headstones of faces with wings? Sometimes the image is a face with wings,
other times it is a skull with wings?
Spider Gates 11-01-2003 from silentleader:
I grew up near Spider Gates in the 50's and 60's. The rumors of Spider Gates
haunted was just a means of high school boys (me included) to lure our
girlfriends to a place for parking. The
Bancroft Tower was another great place to lure our girlfriends.
I never saw a ghost at Spider Gates or Bancroft Tower but I did have a good
looking for them.
I'd say your investigation of Spider Gates is an accurate one. The only thing
left out is near by is Hot Dog Annie's. Now that's a place to go for some good
dogs and rootbeer after a night of ghost hunting!
Littleton Postcards 10-28-2003 from margreenda:
Enjoyed your Littleton postcards and your sometimes irreverent comments.
do tend to take ourselves too seriously. You seem to have taken up where
Vince Couper left off.
Keep up the good work
Spider Gates 10-24-2003 from scohen:
I read with interest your journal which detailed your visit to Spider Gates as
posted on
your web site. I grew up in the West Tatnuck section of Worcester near
Pleasant Street
and Bailey Rd. I remember as a child (1960's) hearing spooky stories of
Spider Gates
Cemetery, particularly of a headless horseman and similar tales. I never did
visit the site. In fact, I never realized that there actually was such a
place. But
since Halloween is a week away, I thought it would be interesting to search on the
web and
see if anything was ever written about Spider Gates. You can imagine my
surprise to
find out that there is such an interest in the site. I do not plan to visit,
but it
satisfy my childhood curiosity so I thank you for your post.
Spider Gates 1-22-2003
from turtlequick:
Hi Dan! I have much interest in Spider Gates but will not visit the site at
it shows its unique beauty in the mid day, but gives me chills at night. A
and I hiked down the hill to Spider Gates, I am very superstitious so I dare
not to
go in but my friend told me everything would be fine, the first gate however
wide open as if someone expected our visit, in all of your pictures all the
remain closed. Can you tell me why this time the gates remained open?
Megalithic New England 10-21-2003 from luddite:
What, if any, archaeology has been conducted at any of these
fascinating megalithic sites in New England?
I would like some information about Spider Gates
10-19-2003 from nstabile:
I am currently a sophomore at Assumption
College in Worcester. I have worked as a reporter at a local paper in my
hometown of Warwick RI, Warwick Beacon, and I am currently working for
Assumption's newspaper Le Provocteur. I have read your article on Spider's Gate Cemetery and I was intrigued.
This location is very close to Assumption's campus and I would very much
like to do a story on it. With a such a desire I decided it would be best
to contact someone who has been there and done his own investigation. I am
writing to ask if I could possibly interview you, a sort of comparison of notes if you will. As of right now I have not been granted
approval to execute this story but I wanted to write to you in advance with
the hopes of securing your assistance in this endeavor.
Lancaster Cemetery, Blood Forest 10-15-2003
from evamedusas:
Would you happen to know how to get to "Lancaster Cemetery" or "Blood Forest"
Lancaster, Massachusetts? If so, can you give me directions to get there from
Lowell, MA? Me and my friends are writing a story for school about
places" in Massachusetts, and we have looked all over online to find
directions to
this place. We wanna go up so we can get some pictures and ask around. If you
any information, or know of websites about "blood forest" and "old man blood",
any other "haunted places" in Massachusetts, I would really very much
appreciate it.
Burnt Hill 10-7-2003 from dnolan22:
I am a Massachusetts resident who is looking to find
the way
to get to the summit of Burnt Hill to view the standing stone formations there
located. I will tell you that I made the trip out to Heath, but could not
locate the
way to get to the summit and am very wary about trespassing on resident's
property. Based upon your web site with the pictures from the site, I am
that you know a path or spot (you mention a road on the western side of the
where one can get to the top of the hill without traipsing on Heath residents'
If you could pass this along to me, I would be most appreciative. I will be
another journey out to Western Mass soon and would like to see the standing
Please respond back when you can and thank you very much for any and all
information that you can impart to me.
Hoosac Tunnel 10-4-2003
from roedick:
My great grandfather died on the day he was to retire from,
I am guessing, an explosion as he was scalded. Is there anyway I could get more information about him his name was
Cornelius Shea. He was the engineer. Any info would be appreciated.
Burnt Hill Standing Stones
9-25-2003 from Tiger52886:
In the near future I am planning on visiting the site of the standing
stones in Heath, MA. I have done a little research about the area and I have
an article on the NEARA website which I believe was apart of your Field Journal.
Other than the information you provided in the article I have no
information. Hopefully I will be able to go up there and do a preliminary site
within the next few days, and then plan on spending a day, or a weekend up at
site. I request that you can give me information about the standing stones,
and the area they are in, I do not know if it is private property or if I need
the city's' permission to enter the site, please send me this information along
with a map of the site, if you would like to request anything of me please
feel free to ask. there is not really a particular reason why I would like to
visit this site other than curiosity, and the fact that i live in
Massachusetts. I would not call myself an archeologist, or perhaps not even an
amateur one
because I have not had the education, but I like to call myself an
and I would like to perhaps pursue archeology a little bit more, this visit
to the standing stones would help me.
Bell Rock Cemetery in Malden
9-15-2003 from dianebrace010:
I was wondering if you could provide to me the
address of the Bell Rock Cemetery in Malden, Massachusetts. I would like
to go there and take some photograph of my ancestor's gravestones. I
really enjoyed your website. You took some fantastic pictures. Do
you think that gravestones come out better with color film or black and white.
I have been experimenting with both. Many of the older graveyards are on
the dark side and I have been finding it useful to make sure that I use an
older camera with a flash. Well, anyway, I could not find an address for
Bell Rock Cemetery on the Internet. Thank you in advance for any
information you provide.
Odd Rock, Haverhill MA 9-15-2003
from stevem:
Attached please find two JPGs of an
interesting rock in Haverhill, MA. It's located in the field behind Winnikinni
Castle; the castle itself is located on a hill overlooking Kenoza Lake, right
on Rt. 110 heading towards Merrimack, MA.
The rock has been there since I was a kid; I'm now 39, and has always stood
out due to the circular hole in the middle of the stone, which is normally
filled with water. None of the locals that I've spoken with have ever
been able to explain it, other than "it's always been there". I have a
hard time imagining this is the result of water erosion, but what the hell do
I know...

click to enlarge
Caves Near Worcester 9-14-2003
from sefreedman:
Dear Mr. Boudillion: I am working as professional
staff developer with a Middle School in Worcester, Massachusetts. The
teachers are interested in learning more about caves they might visit with
their classes in the near future, as part of their study of ancient people.
You seem to have a wealth of information and experience with these kinds of
formations. Could they possible contact you to learn more about the
caves, the history of ancient people near their area, and how to best access
this information through site visits, classroom discussions, etc? Thank
you so much.
Directions 9-14-2003 from slato9:
Greetings: Please forward directions to hike to the
stone structure in Heath and then the Rattlesnake Gutter caves,
especially the long cave, ASAP. We will embark from Amherst, MA.
Thanks so much.
Help/Information 9-10-2003
from sh1smyle:
What do you make of this? I
found it on another site. In your report at Spider Gates or "Friends
Cemetery" or whatever you said that the last date in the cemetery for a stone
was in the eighties. This one says 98? Please explain.
Burnt Hill 9-9-2003
from goudsward:
Hello from a slightly warmer, albeit soggier part of
the country. I'm planning a trip up into central MA and have managed to
confuse myself about the Burnt Hill site. Is it open to the public?
I see a number of field trips listed by local church and yoga groups, but no
one mentions accessibility. Do you go to the Blueberry farm and get
permission? Or does the farm shut down off season and you just wander to
the hilltop? Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Mothman & The Thunderbird 9-7-2003
from msblanch:
Seeking permission to include your report site in an
article I am working on for Left Field Paranormal Studies & Investigations and
would like permission to include some of the findings offered in this report.
Your Weird Spider Gates Stories 9-3-2003
from markmwnj:
I am one of the publishers of a magazine - a travel
journal of sorts - in which myself and my partner travel around our state
gathering stories and investigating things of a "weird" nature. Then we
write about the places we've seen and people that we've met along the road in
our magazine. We have been doing this for about ten years now.
Recently a lot of people have been writing to us telling us of the weird
things in their own home states. This got us to thinking that maybe we
would like to publish something that featured stories from all around the
country, so that people from all over the United States could share their own
weird tales. One of the sites we've gotten a lot of mail about is the
Spider Gates Cemetery in Leicester, Mass. While doing some research on
this place on the Internet, I came upon your web site. I found that many
of the local legends told we'd been told about Spider Gates were remarkable
similar to the stories that you've also reported about it. And I think that
your stories is very well told, and it really captures the essence of the
I was wondering if you might be interested in contributing your version of
this story, or any others you may know, to be printed in one of our
publications. We are inviting knowledgeable folks from all over the
country to contribute stories and photos from their own little corner of the
U.S. I see these people as sort of field scouts, roving reporters, a far flung
team of correspondents. I'd like to invite you to participate in this
weird experiment. I really think that what you've written adds to the
rich tapestry of modern folklore that we seek to document. I sincerely
hope that you'll accept our invitation to come along on our weird ride!
Cave Tour, Family Trip 9-2-2003
from newenglandpartiot:
Dear sir, my son and family would like to explore
some caves rich in minerals. Can you please recommend a few in the
Massachusetts area? Thank you, I enjoyed your website.
Father John's Medicine 9-1-2003
Just a foot note for your information, Father John's
Medicine was still being made up to 20 years ago. As a child growing up
in Vermont, in the late 50's my mother gave it to me every winter... I hated
the stuff. It had a gingerbread/spicy taste to it and it was thick and
brown. Could be a Native "donation" even of recent decade.
Just dropping off a little appreciation
8-23-2003 from lunarsea33:
I found your investigation [Alistair Crowley's Lam &
the Little Grey Men] in the least, informative and almost inspiring. My
view of the whole issue is synonymous with your own, not really questioning
the existence of the 'Lam' - as my belief is that all things MAY exist on some
level or in some realm - but contemplating why so many people believe in it.
I view 'Satanism' by definition the practice of weak, misguided and immature
rich kids.
However, the notion of it's ability to open "portals" is intriguing. Do
you engage in spiritual development or cultivation of any sort? If so
could you perhaps share your methods and progress? And if you do not
practice inner progression, why not?
Cave in Rattlesnake Gutter
8-16-2033 from beanstlaurent:
Hi there, I came across your website and noticed you
took a trip to Rattlesnake Gutter to explore some caves on November 25, 2002,
and said you went into the longest cave in Franklin County. I was just
wondering if you could give me some directions to that site. I am very
interested in seeing what the cave has to offer. Any help would be greatly
Standing Stones (Burnt Hill)
8-10-2003 from rebageeba:
Hi, I was just at Burnt Hill a few days back.
I too a few photos from the road below. I was unable to access the hill
cause of insurance regulations in place while the blueberries are being
harvested (machines in use). I went down the road to the next farm and
bought some blueberries . I noticed a HUGE standing stone on that property
right next to the house itself. Do you know if that was erected? Or is
it suppose to be there from ancient times? Like you said there has been
hundreds of people in and around that area picking blueberries over the past
fifty years or so. The stone is in this photo. I have read Celtic
Mysteries of New England and also Barry Fells book America B.C.. I
enjoyed visiting Heath it is a beautiful area. So if you can shed some
light on the stone in this photo I would appreciate it. This stone is
quite large.
Father John's Bottle 8-10-2003
from tamber12:
Finding the bottle where you did is curious indeed,
but I have a different question for you. I live in Kentucky, and found
the very same style bottle on the grounds of a historic property that was
being bulldozed for a subdivision. Has anyone notified you giving you a
monetary value of the bottle? I would not sell it, but am curious.
Spider Gates 8-9-2003
from area51et:
Hello, I recently read your article concerning
Spider Gates after a friend informed me of it. I've been down there
numerous times, sometimes at night at pitch dark. You went to the
cemetery during the day . . . a total different experience. Nighttime is
different. Every time I approached the cemetery at night from the trail
in front of the runway, you can definitely feel a "presence" or "someone
watching you" and random sounds in the woods, such as the breaking of sticks.
There is another website with pictures of Spider Gates with the mysterious
orbs in them. I will try to find the website and send it to you if you
already have not seen it.
Furthermore, the cemetery is carefully supervised by police. Once a
friend and I were caught at 2 AM by the police for trespassing, so be careful
in the future and don't park your car in front of the trail, park somewhere
else, such as Hotdog Annie's and walk to the cemetery to save yourself the
As for the hanging, there is not documentary evidence of such an event to have
existed. Why? Rumor has it that the boy's family worked for the
Telegram & Gazette and had the authority to keep the tragedy out of the
headlines to avoid the attention to their family, and possibly the cemetery.
Enjoyed Your Site and ?'s
8-8-2003 from stevebu93:
I wanted to say that I enjoyed
your site immensely, please keep up the good work! I am currently
studying for a PhD in anthropology with a focus on the study of religion, and
I've always been fascinated by the history and archaeology of the area.
I did not see Dog Town on Cape Ann mentioned on your site, have you been
there? I went hiking there a few years ago, motivated by "New England's
Things that Go Bump in the Night". The ground is very rough and
overgrown, but there are some interesting things to see, such as the boulders
chiseled with "motivational messages" by an eccentric millionaire who once
lived in the area. I also found a stone chamber (this time an actual
"colonial root cellar", I think) and an odd rock pile (again, as you said
about many on Burnt Hill, probably recent, although an eerily head-shaped
boulder was on top). I'm especially interested in the Hockomock Swamp
area, as I live close to it, although so far I've only been able to read about
it. Do you have any suggestions concerning paths to follow or methods of
entering the area for hiking? I recently came across NEARA as well and
hope to join it when possible. Thanks again for providing an interesting
Hoosac Website 8-3-03
from jkrail:
Dan: Great web site! I really enjoyed the
read. The Hoosac tunnel is of great interest to me so I think that I can
clear up a few mysteries.
Under "Observations and Mysteries" concerning the
old west shaft: You can still get up to the top of the west shaft by
taking West Shaft Road from Rt. 2, head down the road and where it takes a
slight right turn and it should be up the hill on the left. If you go by
Labonte Rd./St. you have gone too far. If you look on a topo map (North
Adams Quad.) of the area you will see a slight depression up on the hill (a
few hundred feet up or so). On the map look for the tunnel (a
double dotted line) and at the top of the map there are the numbers 5' 657,
look down the map and at the intersection of the lines is the old west shaft
opening. At the Western Gateway Museum in N. Adams you can see the video
with Fritz Weatherbee climbing down the shaft.
Hoosac Hilton /Hotel: You found it! It is the small room at center
shaft, exciting stuff, eh??
Hidden Room: To the best of my knowledge there is no hidden room in the Hoosac
Center Shaft Vent Shafts: I understand that there are two smaller vents that
corkscrew up to the central vent shaft above the main tunnel.
Also, there is a abandoned tunnel at the West Portal as well as the East
Portal. The west side tunnel is a well kept secret. It took me a
while to find it.
Something's not true about night creatures...
(Mothman) 8-2-03 from just4us2002:
Per your article comparing
Mothman w/the Thunderbird; as in some naturally nocturnal creatures (like my
cat) reflects ORANGE eyes when in almost full darkness (partial light) and he
is definitely an earthly creature and/or not paranormal. Orange is not
so far away on the light color spectrum from red - perhaps the noted creatures
were reflecting at night, red street lights in it's eyes. Waddling is
not unlike a penguin whose legs, while standing upright, are wide so rubbing
against it's torso it appears to be taking wider strides - not unlike the
As for seeing no head, again that
is a misnomer because when light is to the back of a large upright animals
silhouette it only shows the high spots. A condor or vulture has a long
scrawny neck (it could be like a giraffes, but bent if you magnify/multiply
it's size) which it usually bends down and in when walking/stalking. So
a similar silhouette would just about completely miss the head feature - with
the exception of some of the highest spots of it's bent head, but only if it
had lifted it up at the time above it's wings/shoulders. A crawing/crying
noise is normal for a birdlike animal like a crow. Humming noises in
flight is something different and points to a robotic like or hybrid creature.
(aka UFO creatures "pets").
As for it's flying straight up
and going long distances without flapping and at great speeds only
certain types of helicopters and hummingbirds can do that maneuver.
Non-flapping points to a bird that is mainly a glider/has hollow bones and a
very light wing structure. Perhaps multiplying it's size by the fastest
speed known to flying creatures existing presently we may come up with that
As for not seeing a face, it's
feet, or not clear about it's wings - I believe it is bat-like (scrunched
pig-like face and snout) and has bat wings with some outside feathers.
It's feet should look like a bald eagles type with large parrot like clawed
My answer to all of these types
of sightings (big foots, Lochnessies, etc.) can be summed up as this (either
one of 3 things are possible): a) they are once thought of as extinct
creatures who have escape mass extinctions due to protective pockets of
earth/isolated areas (thick forests, high mountains, deep lakes, streams,
caves, separated land masses) and are alive and thriving but are scarce and
generally shy away or are afraid of humans. b) they are creatures from
back in time who at times breakthrough magnetic aberrant time vortices on our
earth (Bermuda Triangle etc.) and cannot return. or c) they are the "pets" of
UFOnauts or constructs of them mimicking our past creatures. Thanks.
Tunnel 7-24-03 from toegrrl:
I just wanted to let you know that your website is
one of the best I have come across in a long time. As I have lived in
Massachusetts all my life, it is great to see other people who are as
fascinated with its mysteries as I.
I wondered if you had ever been to Clinton. I live in Northboro, which
as you probably know isn't too far from there - I am on the edge of Berlin.
My friends and I like to go to the abandoned train tunnel in the woods (which
you mentioned...the, um, body bags thing) right near the dam. Although
this particular tunnel is a kiddie's playground compared to the Hoosac Tunnel
in Western Mass, it isn't the only slightly sinister thing around this area.
Although the Wachusett Reservoir itself is beautiful, the town of Clinton
somehow exudes eeriness. One area of land is covered with "No
Trespassing" signs, hung on every tree, down the street from the old abandoned
decaying railroad... It makes me wonder if there is anything else of
interest out there. Have you found anything? Not only that, but
much of the surrounding towns seem to be shrouded in mystery. Stories
circulate of a place called the "Blood Forest" in Lancaster where murdered
victims were hung from trees... (probably more legend than truth) and
questions even arise in Westboro, where the old Westboro State mental hospital
and the the abandoned Lyman Street School for the Boys still reside.
Supposedly, Lyman Street School for the Boys was a juvenile detention center
in the early 1900's, and the Boston Strangler was sent there in his youth.
It still sits there, only recently boarded up, on farmland-- who knows why it
was not demolished. I don't know about any ghosts, but it is a thrilling
little tour. The mental hospital itself, still a large, imposing set of
buildings, is mostly office buildings for the state, save a few halfway houses
and a small juvenile hall. Again, my friends and I have ventured around
the sprawling grounds of Westboro State, as there are acres and acres of
farmland. It is quite odd, but way in the back, if you follow an old
dirt path, it leads to another section of Westboro, near the courthouse and
route 9, which is full of abandoned buildings. These buildings include a
church and some large brick houses. I'm not quite sure why these
structures remain, like the Lyman Street School for the Boys, when they are a
potential danger. My brother has also found a crematory deep in the
woods between Northboro and Westboro, in the same region as Westboro State.
I also find it incredibly interesting that there are
ancient stone circles in Massachusetts. I have never read anything about
these before, although it seems entirely plausible that the Celts had
something to do with it. As I recently traveled to Stonehenge (and, the
lesser-known "Woodhenge" up the street--no joke--then we drove by Sting's
house), I developed a love for old rocks of that sort. Anyway, sorry for
the overly wordy email, I just was happy to find a stellar website among all
the britney fan sites and porn that clutters the web these days.
Your Web Page 7-16-03
from sunblock:
I greatly enjoyed running thru your web page. Thanks
for taking the time to compile it for everyone. Though I'm strictly an
amateur and a beginner to boot, I'm fascinated by all of the antiquities
around New England, and astounded at what they're still teaching kids in
school about who "discovered" America. One quick word on the Westford
Knight. I went looking for it last week and though I was disappointed to only
see the sword on first viewing, I took a look at rubbings and drawings that
are depicted in "New England Ancient Mysteries," by Robert Ellis Cahill
(picked up my copy at Mystery Hill in North Salem, NH). Then went back to the
ledge and examined the site more closely. There's a lot more there than
just the sword. It might be worth another look, especially if you know what
your looking for. Unfortunately 600 years of weather and local
development has taken its toll. Keep up the great work. I'm sure there
are a lot of others besides myself who appreciate it.
Faces... (Spider Gates) 7-13-03 from
I was recently browsing the Internet, and happened
upon your page talking about the little adventure to the Spider Gates
Cemetery, and I noticed in the picture of the man (I assume it's you, I've
never really visited before), you can see a face in a gap in the trees above
his head. I realize it's probably a trick of the branches and camera focus,
but I thought it was an interesting little detail especially with the subject
of the pictures and article. . . . I have enclosed the picture
(unmodified, the face has been circled in red, and the text FACE has been
added), but if you want to compare it to your original otherwise, you'll see
that other than the added red, it's the same. Thanks.

click to enlarge
Father John's Medicine Bottle
7-13-03 from deeceegullett:
Hi: Did you ever find out anything about this
bottle? Is it an antique? I just purchased a dollar box of bottles
at an auction and was trying to research their histories. One of the
bottles in the box lot is a twin to the one you have pictured except it is
about ten inches instead of 8. I would love to have any information you
have gathered about this bottle.
Father John's Bottle 7-7-03
from jkress:
I have one too. . .
Spring at Harvard 7-1-03 from sawicki:
Dear Mr. Boudillion: I called Fruitlands Museum.
Curator claims to know nothing about the Harvard Shakers' unusual longevity at
turn of century. He should have at least had quick reference to the
museum's "Shaker Spring Water" sign hung, or stored there--but he didn't allow
the association of subject matters to flow. Yet evidence suggests what
you say is true.
Question #1: Have you investigated the East
Family Shaker Village for longevity, since your last web posting? You
are doing a great thing, and I thank you. As the aging boomer generation
gets ready to literally 'break the bank' on health care, clues present
themselves for a healthy and natural longevity. Special water is one of
them. It is almost odd how the thing languishes for lack of legitimate
interest. The Hunzakut tell us, just as the earlier Shakers told us,
that the answer is in their water.
Question #2: What is the geological formation
that the Shaker spring at East Family, and the Poland spring sits in?
Question #3: Did you discover later
childbearing ages for the Shaker women at Harvard, turn of the century?
I see that question posted to one of your sites--but yet no answer.
Spider Gates 6-17-03
from ltc281994:
I was hoping to get some info about spider gate
cemetery I heard it is a creepy place if you go there at the right time.
I was thinking of checking it out so I was hoping that you could tell me how
to go about doing this like is there any certain things to do I heard that you
have to walk through the same gate eight different times and you must do
something between each time you walk through if you could give me some info
that would be great.
Mothman/Thunderbird Article
6-16-03 from solarinus:
I must thank you for your article exploring a possible connection between
Mothman and Thunderbird legends. I have a slightly more than passing
interest in the Mothman, and occasionally search the web for information
concerning it, hoping that some new sightings or insight will have surfaced.
But most sites I find only contain re-hashings and paraphrasings of interviews
from Point Pleasant. Not only are these sites boring, but believing what
I read there seems a little dangerous, considering it's second-hand nature.
Your site however, actually brings something new and interesting to the
discussion, both in the form of rarely-noted sightings (at least as far as I
have seen), and a new and definitely striking theory concerning the nature of
Mothman. That is so refreshing to see, honestly. Thanks for what
you've already contributed, and by all means, let me know if you publish or
discover anything else concerning Mothman.
Three Lakes at Nashoba 6-13-03 from dema:
I THOUGHT there would be 3 bodies of water (ponds or lakes), because
nahs-OH-bahk in Abenaki means 'At the Three Ponds', or 'People Living At the
Three Ponds'. It comes from NAHS (Three), POH-bahk(oo), Ponds, Lakes. The
Southern Algonkian dialect of Massachusek/Nipmuc would say NAHSH, with the SH
sound, as in 'shit', and drop the P at the beginning of P8bagw.
Mothman/Abenaki Thunderbird 6-6-03 from dema:
Kwai is a greeting, as in 'hello'. I was working outdoors today, cutting
rafter tails with a sawzall. Gasko (Blue Heron) flew overhead, enroute from a
marshy pond she was feeding in. Later, I happened to glance up into the sky,
squinting to avoid the sawdust I was creating, and I saw the silhouette of
Nadinahamasit, the Turkey Vulture. If you have ever seen this unmistakable
form above you, it is real easy to visualize the Thunderbird. Black, all
wings and primaries outstretched, just a ridin'-the-thermals, little no-neck
head darting this way and that, looking for prey.
From what you have described about the Fruitlands artifact, I believe
Peabody's' is similar. Colin Calloway's book, THE WESTERN ABENAKI, contains a
photo of the Peabody Pennacook thunderbird, made from a copper kettle, about
seven inches in length. I have made copies in copper flashing in the past.
At Kennebec's Indian Rock, in Southwestern Maine, similar shapes have been
carved into living rock that juts out into the current. This seems to be a
shape well-known to our Ancestors who live all over New England (we call it
N'dakinna, 'Our Land'). Wli Nanawalmezi, Take Good Care
Mothman/Abenaki Thunderbird 6-3-03 from dema:
Kwai - I am a Koasek Abenaki, and am very familiar with the thunderbird shape
that you describe. The one that you saw, attributed to be from Maine, is most
likely Kennebec in origin. The Kennebec Abenaki lived along the river of the
same name, and spoke a dialect that was identical to my Relations.
However, are you aware that Harvard's Peabody Museum has an artifact that
predates the one in the Fruitlands? Harvard collected it from someone who
robbed a Pennacook Abenaki gravesite in New Hampshire, and it dates to the
late 1600's. The two holes bored into the copper at the "chest" would have
had a braintan lace knotted through them to suspend the ornament/talisman from
the wearer's neck. We have our own theories as to the significance....
I cannot tell you about 'Mothman', but let me explain about Pmola (puh-MOH-lah).
Our legends tell us of a being who appeared as a giant bird-like creature,
with glowing red eyes and claws, who would swoop down on unsuspecting animals
and people and carry them off ... never to be seen again. The Indian
peoples of the Eastern Seaboard and Woodlands all share similar stories.
Grandmothers and Mothers would caution their children to behave, lest Pmola
find them unawares and carry them away.
I personally believe that the Thunderbird here in the East is based upon an
ancient species of raptor, one that possessed a wingspan in excess of twenty
feet. These gigantic preying birds were the antecedents of the Eagles that
are so important to our culture and traditions today. Ancient oral
traditions among the Algonquin/Abenaki tell us that these raptors rode the
lightning and the thunderheads, coming up from the South, in a corridor that
extends from Mexico right on up the Appalachians into New Hampshire, Vermont
and Maine. I believe that the copper representation you refer to is this
Thunder Being, and was made to harness the spiritual powers to benefit the
wearer. Our word for this Being is Badgi (BAH-dohn-KEE).
There is much in our world that cannot be readily explained. We Indians have
always had our own beliefs that drove European Christians to persecute us as
heathens, devil worshippers! The irony is that now so many of the
descendants of the Yankees are re-examining their own views about the (super)natural
world, and what was once blasphemy is now studied by all.
Stone Circle 5-30-03 from houseofmica:
Hello, I was wondering if you knew about the stone circle in the picture I
have included. Maybe its nothing, but it sure looks like something. I have
outlined the stone circle in blue. It is from an aerial view of the area
behind my house in central Mass. in a pretty isolated area, so I don,t think
many people have seen it yet. I have spoken to an Elder who said that it is
not a circle, but a (turtle) and it was once the sign of a good place to
live. Plenty of fresh water, wild food and game, sheltered from harsh
weather. I don’t know if it is anything, but it looks like something to me!
While looking at aerial photo’s, I noticed the circle. I then sent a copy of
it to an elder I know and was told that it is known as a turtle to her people
the Oneida. When they found these turtles they knew it was a good place to
live. Another Indian person has asked to go out at sunrise, midday and sunset
with chalk to mark the movements of the sun - he was wanting to know if it is
a calendar. I have also noticed many large circle formations around this area
and in near by towns, that appear to have been dug out, but never lined with
stones, these are just perfect circular indentations in the ground. You can
see most of these clearly from the air. Actually the stone circle does look a
lot like a turtle, don’t you think?
Medicine Bottle
5-25-03 from
I was wondering if you
happened to notice which way the mouth of the bottle was pointing - it might
have been telling you where to go next.
5-23-03 from
I found your poetry page
and have enjoyed your poems. I liked every one of them, but Wolf is my
favorite. I love the woodland at dusk and night, and your poems bring clear
visions of sights I hold in my memories. I, too, "wish to run" at times.
When the Gods Intervene speaks more to me about how God "works" than
volumes of theology and I am going to share it with some close friends.
Early Dawn is very strong, I have two ancestresses who were accused
witches, once again, your short poem says more than any book I have read on
the subject says. Have you published any of your poems? I would like to buy
several copies if you have. Also, I just have to tell you that my husband
said your poems are better than any in a book of favorite poems we both read
Medicine Bottle
5-21-03 from krosspt:
I was thrilled to see your
Father John piece! Wonderful! The pictures are wonderful, clear as can be. I
have only seen a few donations of old cans, old bottles, never anything so
Burnt Hill
5-21-03 from aandbmcnabb:
I am a NEARA member and
today a gentleman asked about Burnt Hill so, tonight I looked it up via Google.
What a wonderful report, the photos make me feel as if I had gone there.
Thank you for sharing this with the world. Not only is your report readable,
but your photos are works of art. Keep up the good work.
Dolmen at Cadillac
5-21-03 from garret440:
I came across your website
from the neara site and saw the photo of the dolmen on Cadillac mountain. I
have lived here all my life and had never heard of this. I go to Acadia quite
often with my kids and I would like so much to see this dolmen. Any
information that I received from you would be kept in utmost confidence, as I
realize the tenuous situation of these types of artifacts.
Ceremony and Rocks
5-20-03 from jicdco:
Acton people interested in
Indian stuff ... who comes to mind?
Monks Cave 4-9-03 from alan:
I did a Google search for
Monks' Caves and your website popped up. I was thrilled to see that
information was available on the mysterious Monks' Caves. I attended the
University of Massachusetts at Amherst and took a real interest in the story
of the Monks' Caves. Friends I met in Geology classes and others mentioned the
Monks Caves to me. They had actually visited several of them. Probably ones
you have on your website. I'm fascinated with this story or legend and I'd
love to learn more about these caves. I was told that there are a series of
these Monks' Caves along the Eastern mountain chains that are spaced
approximately one day's hike from each other. I'd heard that the caves were
built by Pre-Columbus missionary monks that traveled up and down the eastern
U.S. by using these caves. Supposedly, the caves were built as protection from
native Americans and foreign invaders. I was told each cave is well concealed
and all have strategic views-some for celestial viewing.
By the way, I really
enjoyed your website. You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of
New England. Best regards and keep up the great work!
Hello From Jicdco
2-22-03 from jicdco:
Looks good you been busy. What about that
silver mine? Can I go there? Where is it?
Shaker Spring
1-25-2003 from rakurylowicz:
Did Harvard
Shaker women acquire extended reproductive years with the water? Has a study
of their grave markers been done to answer this question? Ref. National
Geographic article 1973 "oldest people" - women in a cluster of "oldest
people" in Caucus Mts giving birth into possibly late 50s. Soviet takeover of
that area, created census records.
A Comment About Your Webpage 1-23-03
from wulfloki:
Mr. Boudillion - I visited your website
on Jan. 23rd, 2003, and I felt I must drop you a line to tell you how much I
enjoyed it. I especially loved the in-depth way you go about checking
out the places being written about, as in the "Spider Gates" case.
Excellent work!
I have done a bit of kicking about in
Hockomock Swamp. I walked along some hunters trails off towards the end
of Elm Street near dawn. Found nothing, heard nothing suspicious.
Later in the day, I wandered about the neighborhood there, and asked some of
the locals some questions about whether or not they had ever noticed an
inordinate number of local animals missing, or if they had ever had problems
in the fall with animal predation [sic] on backyard gardens and the like.
None of the people I questioned had heard of things like that, though many had
heard the "stories" of so-called Skunk Apes that may or may not dwell there.
They seemed amused, but not offended by my questions. Most placed no
credence in the reports at all, although one bow-hunter I ran into said he had
heard screams one night while coming back in from hunting. He said it
WASN'T a rabbit being mauled, but I wonder?
You work speaks for itself, sir!
Keep it up! We NEED more websites like yours!
Bored 1-14-03 kparker:
Hi, I'm an extremely adventurous but
bored college student in Worcester Mass. I'm looking for things to see that
are close by. I've visited purgatory chasm, the asylum, and in the past week
I've been to sleepy hollow New York, and I finally got around to visiting the
Spider Gates cemetery. I was wondering if you could give me a list of cool
places that are close by. Thanks
Spider Gates Cemetery 1-3-03 from currysangel:
Hello - I saw your website on Spider Gates Cemetery in Massachusetts. The
pictures are wonderful by the way. I just wanted to let you know, you stated
the there is only one gate not eight. In fact there is eight. The gates ate
not like the main. The gates maybe two trees or two rocks place a few feet
apart. They are very subtle but is fun to discover each one. there is a
particular pattern you must go through each one to find the combination into
NEARA 12-31-02 from
Sir - I found your website of extreme interest. I once belonged to NEARA and
may attend their May 2003 meeting. What I am writing to you about is that
will you planning on organizing a travel group (perhaps a two week tour) to
visit the many sites that you have discovered? If so I would love to be
included in this arrangement. If you need help on putting this all together,
I can be of some service.
Thanks! 12-30-02 from rgold91:
I've enjoyed looking at your journal entries/photos! Thanks in particular
for the photos of Burnt Hill as I've yet to make it out there and have always
wanted to.
Black Pond Page 12-23-02 from mawendt:
Your site is great, and an enjoyable read. Thanx for taking the time to put
it together. You wrote:
“On June 19, 2002, I investigated the enigmatic stone row at the Black Pond
site to see how closely it aligned to the Midsummer Solstice sunrise. The
sun rose at 5:20 a.m., about 2 degrees to the right of the row. The small
variation in the sun's rising position between now and the actual Solstice
on the 21st is not enough to correct this and make an exact alignment. The
alignment is close, but I now have doubts that it is intentional.”
Have you considered that with the common changes of weather (frost heaving)
could have misaligned this row, if (hypothetically) it had anything to do with
MS sunrise? I'd also venture, if it was related to MS, you'd probably find a
similar row addressing WS. Keep having fun. Thanx again for the great site.
Hockomock Journals Have Been Updated 12-14-02 from johnk4678:
Hi Dan - Just a quick note to let you know my journals were updated today with
the Lake Nippenicket expedition. I read your journal entry regarding the
Hockomock swamp and I believe you will find my expedition interesting as does
reference some of the possible crypto-zoological oddities that have been
reported in that area. Here's my link again in case you lost your way.
Six Altars of Nashoba 12-4-02 from ryaneyestone:
Dear Dan - Nice Stone Turtle in the Black Pond photo! Very clear to see -
gave me a smile. You have a wonderful site. Thanks!
New Area 11-25-02 from barrettskrypeck:
I came across your site, and it is very interesting. Lots of new places I've
never heard of.
I was surprised to see that you had no mention of the 'bee-hive' chambers in
Shutesbury, MA (western side of Quabbin). They are on Mt. Mineral Rd., near
Temenos (a new age type of retreat). The chambers are underground, and are in
the shape of a beehive, with stonework walls. There is one very small opening
to crawl through, and once inside it is about 3 by 3 feet, and 5 feet high. I
have only found one, my brother says he has found two, and supposedly there
are a few more. These are almost a guarded secret, and very few people know
about them, or are willing to talk about them.
Of course some people say they are root cellars, but others date them back to
the Vikings. Maybe you can figure them out. Good luck!
Half Moon Meadow Brook: A Sunrise Solstice Site 11-16-02 from kbarlow:
Hi - Enjoyed your report of Half Moon Meadow Brook. However the site map on
page 1 is skewed into the following text on Internet Explorer, and in Netscape
it shows up as a broken link. Thought you might like to know.
Pepperell Mine 11-13-02 from mbrown:
Came across your web site. Curious where the Colonial Mine shaft is in
Pepperell. Doing research on early mining operations in Mass...
New Exploration 11-4-02 from stylin4041:
I have been trying to find an abandoned asylum in Massachusetts. I've been to
the woods where it is rumored to be located several times, and searched the
internet without much progress. I believe it is in the Carver/Plymouth area.
I think it may have operated in the early 1900's, but I am not sure when it
was shut down. If you have any information, please email me. Thank you very
Mothman Article 11-13-02 from davbak:
Hi Daniel – I am the founder and chairman of the Yorkshire UFO Society based
in Sheffield, England. I was very interested to see your article linking
Mothman to the Thunderbird artefact. So interested and impressed, in fact,
that I would like to ask your permission to reproduce the article in our
monthly magazine, Project Red Book.
Cobble Mountain in Mass 10-27-02 from cbs32393:
I recently heard of an old abandoned town named Cobble Mountain. I am very
interested in knowing where the Town of Cobble Mountain is located. I know
that hikers often walk through this town. And if you do know or find the
location of Cobble Mountain, what is the easiest directions to drive and then
Cross Stones??? 10-27-02 from dfuller5:
Hi Daniel! - I found your site through Google when I was searching for
information about cross stones in New England. I was wondering if you had any
information about them?
My in-laws live on George Hill in Lancaster, Mass. We often find dark,
shale-like stones that have white crosses in them. Today my son was helping
to haul in wood from the forest on their land when he found a rock that had
multiple of these cross stones. One in particular is a nearly perfect
"Christian Cross" that looks like it has an "X" tie on the cross bar. We
would love to know more about these rocks. My father-in-law was told they
only occur in a few places in the world but he had no further info. Can you
Crooked Forest in Savoy 10-24-02 from mkeovong:
Dear Mr. Boudillion - I came across your webpage when looking for a place to
hike in the Berkshires. The Crooked Forest caught my eye. There are no maps
available online that indicate where the Crooked Forest is in Savoy State Forest. If you could
please give me some kind of direction, I would be very grateful.
Hi 10-22-02 from tewewee:
Daniel - Just wanted you to know that I love the photo! This must be the
wedding photo of you and your wife (I am assuming so). I love that you are
wearing a vest made out of the same material as her dress! I love the
Monhegan Wedding Blessing Poem as well! You are quite talented!
I also read your article on the Thunderbird and Mothman: Separated at Birth?
I believe that you have something quite valid here. Now... if we could just
find the two of them and make them stand side by side for a few minutes ...
I am a writer/paranormal researcher in Houston, Texas. Just wanted to let you
know that I have enjoyed your site! Rich Hansen from my paranormal
discussions group forwarded it to me!
Mothman and Thunderbird Comparison 1-22-02 from nicholas:
I feel compelled to tell you that I found an important misconception in your
evaluation of the Pennacook figure. The shape in the native America figure is
not a "head", but a stylized flame as shown by it's shape. This has been
placed there to anthropomorphize the figure but does not show a solid head.
This in my eyes makes the figures identical.
Your Close! 10-22-02 from kennnthomas:
The giant raptors were strong fliers and strong WALKERS. They preferred
making short trips on foot and they were the size of a man and walked almost
erect (not like the usual bird). Indians in Illinois dreaded meeting the
giant raptor at night and mistaking it for a human, which happened.
Shaker’s Well 10-17-02 from la6565:
Hi Mr. Boudillion – I read your article with interest. How great it would be
to be able to drink that water. I am 75 years old and it would be wonderful
to have my life and others extended by drinking some of that water.
I would try to get a water sample from the well if possible (doesn't sound
like the water is there now - covered by debris). Also from the streams or
water further down the hill and have them tested for the purity you are
seeking. Wouldn't be hard to just fill some little vials from that water. No
one should object. If this water is of the former purity, I would then see
if the well could be made functional by drilling deeper or whatever. Then
find a way to lease or buy that property if possible. (Does the government
own the property?)
With the popularity of bottled water now, and the possibility of our deep
water supply being also contaminated, this would be of much interest to the
general public. Then find out if it is possible to get a company which
sells bottled water to the grocery stores, or rents monthly to the public, to
be interested in a joint venture with you.
You would be doing a good thing for the public and would be of great benefit
to yourself also.
Spider Gates 9-8-02 from droche:
Hello - I am a member of the trustees committee and former clerk of the
Worcester-Pleasant Street Friends Meeting, 901 Pleasant Street, Worcester,
Mass. 01602.
We are in the process of communicating to those interested our perspective of
the cemetery. As you stated in your site, the Friends Cemetery in Leicester,
also known as "Spider Gates" is still an active cemetery. We Friends have
been somewhat amused, and, at the same time, somewhat concerned about recent
publicity concerning supernatural phenomena at the site. Frankly, we view the
site as the final resting place for our members, and whether or not
supernatural phenomena exists there is not of concern to most of us. I have
never experienced any such phenomena there, nor has any member of the meeting
ever related to me having experienced such phenomena.
I would like to comment on some of the items mentioned on your web site:
1. Satanists absolutely DO NOT have permission to use the site. We would
consider any satanic type activity there to be totally inappropriate to the
purpose of the cemetery.
2. I have heard that Satanists or witch-craft type people have held
activities among the stones. Perhaps these groups qualify to some people as
Republicans, but I seriously doubt that Republicans would have to resort to
holding meetings there. In any event, we would not give permission to any
political or occult group to hold meetings there.
3. The raised center of the cemetery is the site of the old meeting house
in Leicester. Ironic that it is called an "altar" as Quakers do not use
4. I am not aware of a boy hanged from a tree at the site, or a girl killed
in a cave nearby, but that is not to say that it couldn't have happened.
5. I had never seen or noticed the tunnel. My guess is that it might be a
drainage culvert?
6. Looking at the area where the grass doesn't grow, it looks to me like
this might be an old drainage ditch, which, being so wet, was overtaken by
moss, precluding the growth of grass. My opinion only.
If you have any other questions about the cemetery, let me know. We have
nothing to hide about it.
Rock Mounds and Piles 7-31-02 from bigalbassey:
Hello - I own 45 acres in NY. My property is on the old rt 2. I have several
rock piles , 5-6 ft walls and 1 very large rock mound. Some of the piles have
spaces in the center to see to the other side. I have been asking around, and
some one told me that there is a winter solstice formation with a large rock
type chair back in the woods adjacent to my property. I will be looking for
it this week. The large mound that I have, has several rock walls meet it and
it sits much higher than anything around it. Anyway, I feel the piles and
mounds are possibly solstice (from what I have been reading in your web site
about meadow brook) I am extremely interested in this and would like to learn
more about this. Do you know a lot about Indian rock formations. I have got
a lot of Q's. Anything you could tell me would be of great help!!! Thank you
very much for your time.
Dolman Stone 7-1-02 from terry.reams:
I was wondering if you had any info. on the sacrificial stone in F. Gilbert
state park in Foxboro, mass. I just went there and seen it but can find no
info about it. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Cairns 6-26-02 from skic4:
Dear Sir - After seeing your web site I realized that we have some interesting
rock formations on and around our farm. Some are shaped like a turtle and
some long and oval. Others are tall and almost perfectly formed. Any
information on this subject would be helpful.
Half Moon Meadow Brook 3-22-02 from nitehkmoon:
Thank-you! I was fascinated by your article (and all the side trips I went on
while reading it!) Do you possibly have a "map": diagram of the site? My
husband and I both grew up in Concord Ma, and we are very interested in such
sites. We would love to see this one if possible. It sounds like you
encourage visits. My husband is much more familiar with the area, than I am
(teens, cruising etc). Could you send directions? Rte 2 is mentioned in
article ... that would be a great starting point! Thank you for taking the
time and having the heart to care about antiquities - they are a history of
our country ... no matter who did the construction!
Burnt Hill 1-1-02 from dellhome:
Dear Mr. Boudillion - As a NEARA member, long-time resident of Heath, Mass.
and member of the research team that has for years been studying the standing
stones on Burnt Hill, I am pleased you have taken an interest in the site but
greatly troubled by your casual attitude about visiting private property and
apparent assumption that you are the first to map the site. I am disappointed
that NEARA did not inform you of previous and ongoing studies and reports on
this site. Much has yet to be done up there, however traipsing around on
private property without permission (particularly on a blueberry farm that can
be ruined by feet in the wrong places) is likely to get us all kicked out!
Our work must be better coordinated and property owners must be consulted.